If I had a penny for every owner whose "good doggy" suddenly reacted (as animals do) and severely bit someone...I'd be rich. Dogs need freedom and exercise, I get that, but your freedom ends where my safety begins. And having seen kids permanently disfigured from out-of-the-blue dog attacks, lost cats and other pets (pet rabbits that were in their night-time cage) to unleashed dogs, I can tell you right now that even the sweetest dogs are not a justification for letting canines run rampant. Plus, you know, poop. Everywhere. Because that somehow ALWAYS ends up a problem in places where dogs roam around at will. I've lost at least two pair of shoes to the puppers' little, uh, "gifts."
To be fair, I also don't think having outdoor cats is justified in urban or suburban areas, so it's more a matter of "if you live close to other people, either don't get a medium-to-large animal or accept that this isn't the healthiest environment for them and they'll need to be restricted all of the time." If you live in a rural place and you can afford to put up fences or otherwise prevent your dog from invading others' property 24/7, I personally have no issue with it. All parties end up happy, healthy, and comfortable in their environment.
I respect your perspective but yeah, can't get on board with free range doggos in non-rural places. Just my two cents born of experience with them.