For a lot of young women, these kinds of trends seem very similar to the way certain boys just "give up" on life and content themselves with the stereotypical gamer-in-mom's-basement life.
Mind you, I'm not judging either group. That's actually my point, here: this mindset is driven by fear, a sense of being overwhelmed by adult life (understandable, these days), and low self esteem, among other things.
Addressing these issues will, I think, do a lot of good for young women who are seeking an "easy" life. They need to know what true purpose feels like, and for that to happen they've got to feel capable of accomplishing something worthwhile.
I don't know exactly how to promote this kind of conversation with teens and young 20-somethings...partially because I myself am merely a 20-something trying to find her way in the world. But I had my "scroll through Seeking Arrangements" phase, too, and it was definitely driven by the feeling that I wasn't capable enough to handle real, meaningful work or establishing a life of my own (and on my own terms).
When you're still developing your sense of self, life's mishaps and challenges can be really painful. Approaching these girls and young women with compassion and empathy, and a bit of tough but genuine love, could do wonders, in my opinion.
Great piece, and thank you for taking the time to write and share it!